Plasmage, a CE-certified procedure, uses the 4th state of matter. Plasmage transforms gaseous water vapor and nitrogen into plasma with high energy in the application area. As a result of this reaction, an ion cloud is formed. The ion cloud acting on the skin surface quickly renews the skin. This method is generally used as a non-surgical eyelid aesthetic.
Why Plasmage-Plasma Energy?
Plasmage Energy, which provides a non-surgical and more comfortable treatment for those who are considering eyelid removal, is also used in the treatment of moles, blemishes and warts, tightening the eye area, and removing the upper lip lines. Desired results can be seen with a session lasting between 5 and 20 minutes.
Who Is Plasmage-Plasma Energy For?
People who want eyelid aesthetics
People who want to get rid of acne spots
People who want to be treated for spiloma and warts
People who want to be treated for stretch marks
How is Plasmage-Plasma Energy Applied?
Plasmage Energy starts the process by applying anesthetic cream to the cleaned skin. Then, the iodine cloud formed by its special device is applied to the skin. After the procedure, sunscreen cream should be used for 8-10 days.
Is Pain or Ache Felt During Plasmage-Plasma Energy?
Before the application of Plamage – Plasma Energy, anesthetic cream is applied to the area to be applied. Thus, the feeling of pain of people is minimized.