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What is Filler Procedure?

Filler procedures, which are cosmetic procedures, are performed by injection of hyaluronic acid into the desired area. The reason why hyaluronic acid, a substance that is already present in the body, is preferred, is that people will not have an allergic reaction after the injection. It is applied to remove wrinkles, reshape the face, and eliminate fine lines.
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Why Filler Procedure?

A filler procedure is a simple procedure that allows people who want to change their facial features to achieve what they want comfortably without the need for surgery. You can also reverse this procedure. If you are not satisfied, the filler, which is a substance consisting of hyaluronic acid, can be melted. The durability of the filler is 6-18 months.

Who Is Filler Procedure For?

  • Those who want to clear their skin from wrinkles
  • Those who want to prevent the formation of wrinkles
  • Those who want to have a fuller face, lips, lines, etc.

In Which Areas Is Filler Procedure Applied?

  • Under-eye
  • Lips
  • Nose
  • Temple
  • Cheekbones
  • Jawline
  • Eyebrow
  • Jaw

Under Eye Light Filler

Under Eye light filler is an anti-aging application applied to eliminate problems such as under-eye bruises, pits, and ringing that come with age.

Lip Filler Procedure

The procedure, which is preferred by those who want to have fuller lips, makes the lips look bigger, thicker, and fuller thanks to the hyaluronic acid injected into the lips.

Non-Surgical Nose Aesthetics with Fillers

The application, which is carried out with filler injection to the determined areas with an application of 20-30 minutes, allows the person to achieve the perfect nose they want. It should be noted that it is a procedure that adds volume to the nose and is not suitable for people who want to reduce the size of their noses.

Temple Filler

Another method for shaping facial features that change with age is temple filler. It is a procedure to reshape your temples and restore their former volume.

Cheek Filler

Prominent cheekbones give the face a younger, more dynamic, and aesthetic appearance. Thanks to the cheek filler, a prominent cheekbone appearance is provided.

Jawline Filler

Jawline means the filler process, starting from the chin tips to the anterior part of the ear, and its mostly known name is chin filler. Thanks to this process, a fuller and bony jaw appearance is obtained.

Brow Lifting with Filler

People who have a low eyebrow area not only because of aging but also because of their facial structure and lines are provided with a younger facial contour by lifting their eyebrows with the filler performed on the upper eyebrows.

Chin Filler

It is applied to correct a weak jaw line, a weak mandibular border, and jaw shape and to eliminate soft tissue laxity. It makes your face look more attractive.

Is Pain or Ache Felt During the Filler Procedure Process?

The area to be treated with local anesthetic creams is anesthetized before the procedure, thereby minimizing the pain. After the filler procedure, swelling may be observed for 1-2 days.

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